EZ Seller Listing
How to sell your Myrtle Beach house for the most money?
Myrtle Beach South Carolina’s largest MLS listing network. List your FSBO home for sale in Realtor Multiple Listing Service (MLS)
The EZ Seller Listing is a No Hassle Listing Program offered to sellers exclusively by Jerry Pinkas Real Estate Experts
For Sellers
List Your Home Today! |
EZ Seller Listing
Home Marketing System
Sell your Home Faster; it’s a proven fact!
We have a proven, repeatable System that can Sell Your Condo or Home for up to 18% More Money!
Plus Avoid the 7 Critical Mistakes Home Owners Make That Cost Them Thousands in lost Equity OR WORSE Cause Your Home NEVER to Sell!
Fill out our simple form and list your home. Get started selling your home now!
EZ Seller Listing – Home Marketing System
Sell your Home faster with Jerry Pinkas Real Estate Experts it’s a proven fact!1. Sell your property yourself, while it is listed and pay no commission This does not apply to a buyer exposed to the property by my office or another agent. 2. Cancel the listing anytime It’s very simple. Either you or I can cancel by calling and saying “ I want to cancel the listing”. Please allow 48 hours to have the listing withdrawn from the Multiple Listing Service and the sign removed. 3. No Advance fees of any kind You only pay if I procure an offer that is acceptable to you. 4. No Pressure Presentation All proposals will be faxed or delivered to my office and presented to you by us so that you can make your decision privately. I will never allow you to be pressured by the buyers’ agent. 5. Review the EZ Seller Listing package, now what? Contact our office by email or phone, and we will set an appointment to have one of our listing specialists meet with you. We will tour your home, go over recent market activity in your area to educate you on values and make recommendations for maximizing your profit and increasing your speed of sale. If all real estate agents were created equally, then every agent would be able to get you top dollar when selling your home. Unfortunately, there’s a vast chasm that exists between the traditional real estate agents and The Jerry Pinkas Real Estate Experts. The difference JP Real Estate Experts can get you up to 18% more for your home.
When we meet, you’ll discover:
TRY THIS SPECIAL NO RISK OFFER! Put more money in your pocket with the EZ Seller Listing exclusively with Jerry Pinkas. Most Real Estate Brokers will charge you the same fee no matter how your home sells…even if you find the buyer. With EZ SELLER LISTING you have complete flexibility… from “Full Service” to “Do It Yourself |