Many people who look for homes in Myrtle Beach would rather not have to deal with HOA fees. How can you find homes or neighborhoods in Myrtle Beach that don’t have these fees?
Major real estate search websites such as Trulia are a good place to start. Trulia, for example, can give you more information on a listing than standard MLS services. You can usually find the info for this on the details page in a section called Affordability. You can see an example of this for this listing on our site. This info has pulled the information from the Myrtle Beach MLS, then puts it on this page. If the agent has correctly entered the HOA fees, then you should see it here. You might also see HOA fees in the remarks.
Even more detailed HOA fee information can be found on our website. Right on the home page, you can search for any property in Myrtle Beach. When you see the list of properties, just click on the View Details button for the property you want. Scroll down and you’ll find Advanced Features, which shows both the HOA fees calculated monthly, but also what those fees include.
But of course, having an experienced agent help you with this is also a great way to go. You need to work with an agent who has experience in Myrtle Beach property. You can ask your agent to narrow the search by HOA fees. Not all MLS systems have this ability, but some do. Any agent can search for this. The Jerry Pinkas Real Estate Experts have a lot of experience helping people with this type of search.
In general, most homes and neighborhoods in Myrtle Beach do have HOA fees. There are a few rural areas that don’t, such as Conway, Loris, Longs, and the older section of downtown Myrtle Beach. But most newer communities almost always have an HOA fee.
So it is possible to find Myrtle Beach homes without HOA fees. It will take a little digging. Our team is happy to help you with that search. Feel free to contact us and let us lighten the load of finding a Myrtle Beach home without HOA fees.